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Find My Flights logo
Find My Flights on 3 mobile devices - showing various screens from the app

A flight aggregator which lets you easily find the cheapest dates to travel

The brief

The problem statement we were provided by the UX Design Institute was to create a fast, easy, and intuitive airline booking experience based on a deep understanding of the target user. 


This project would involve the full UX process, from research and analysis, all the way through to full annotated designs.

A screenshot of the brief provided by the UX Design Institute.

User research

I initially created a user survey to see if any clear problems would surface and soon found that the vast majority of users don't know when they want to fly - they shape their holiday around the cheapest, most convenient flights. 

I dug into this further with some usability testing of competitors' websites which confirmed this problem and shed light on a few more minor issues that I could look to solve.

A screenshot of 2 users testing different airline softwares on video calls

Design process

Using the survey data and observer notes from usability testing, I created a user journey map to pinpoint the key parts of the journey I could improve.

I then created a user flow diagram that took the user from opening the app to paying for flights. This helped to frame my early ideation sketches.

3 screenshots; observation note taking, user journey mapping, and a user flow diagram

Sketches, prototypes

During this project, I created user journey maps, user flows, low fidelity sketches, and higher fidelity prototypes. These allowed me to test my ideas early and often.

I tested multiple designs (from low fidelity sketches, up to high fidelity prototypes)  with users, to uncover pain points, Ah-ha moments, and general feedback.

Hand sketches showing ideation for 2 different screens; dates and results

Final designs, outcomes

My tutors praised both my user testing videos, and final prototypes, and I received a 96% overall grade for the course.

I was exposed to the full UX design process; from research and analysis, all the way through to annotated designs for development. I found that I enjoy both UX research and UX design, and most importantly; that I really wanted to pursue UX as a career.

3 screenshots of Find My flights on mobile; The home screen, flight results, and filters screens.
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